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ABP-201 is a next-generation therapeutic agent designed to correct abnormal blood vessel formation in the eye. Several diseases that affect vision, including diabetic macular edema (DME) and wet age-related macular degeneration (wet AMD), are caused by aberrant or damaged blood vessels under the retina and macular of the eye. Leakage from these damaged vessels leads to blurred vision and, in many cases, blindness. Therapies that inhibit blood vessel formation (angiogenesis), such as EyleaÆ and LucentisÆ, are in wide-spread clinical use and have been shown in many patients to help maintain vision and even increase visual acuity to some extent. ABP-201 is designed to improve on these existing therapies by simultaneously targeting two critical growth factors that act in concert to destabilize blood vessels and promote blood vessel formation and branching. We believe ABP-201 has the potential to be more effective than existing therapies due to this dualinhibition.

ABP-201 is a tetravalent dual-targeting antibody that simultaneously targets vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF, and angiopoietin-2, or ANG-2. VEGF plays a critical role in the early stages of angiogenesis, promoting angiogenic sprouting and new vessel formation. In contrast, ANG-2 plays a critical role in the later stages of angiogenesis, promoting vessel destabilization and branching. ABP-201 features two high affinity binding sites for each growth factor, providing potent inhibition of each ligand. In addition, because the binding sites are built into the same molecule, ABP-201 ensures that both targets are inhibited in the same place at the same time. In a preclinical mouse model of oxygen-induced retinopathy, ABP-201 induces better normalization of vasculature and decreased vessel branching relative to a monospecific anti-VEGF antibody.

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